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Godhood is now on Kickstarter!
Godhood is now on Kickstarter!
Godhood is now on Kickstarter!
https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4459068/18f7f352f3e29693b834461263736dae02a21aed.png We hope you enjoyed playing Reus as much as we enjoyed making it. We've learned a lot of lessons along the way and believe Godhood couldn't have happened without your support and enthusiasm. As you may know, our upcoming game Godhood lets you create your own religion. But we also want to give you the chance to help create Godhood! You can do so by backing the Kickstarter campaign for the game, that just went live. If Kickstarter is not for you, but you do want to help us out: there are other ways! We talk about it in this post over on our community forum. Thanks for your help! From the Abbey, Sincerely, -Joni
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