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Movie News and Reviews
Hustle by day and risk it all at night in Need for Speed Heat, a white-knuckle street racer, where the lines of the law fade as the sun starts to set. By day, Palm City hosts the Speedhunter Showdown,
Movie News and Reviews
Intertwined day and night cycles, tactical cops, the dynamics of multiplayer and more.
Need for Speed Heat will have its own selection of licensed tunes that cater towards the more chill side of driving while also flipping the coin at night to deliver some pulse-pounding beats.
Hopefully, with the 25th anniversary, the studio would be compelled to deliver something special. Something that could stand out from all the rest. Nope, Chuck Testa.
Need for Speed Heat, the upcoming new game in the racing franchise, will release in November. Meanwhile, check out this 4K gameplay video.
Kevin Johnson, Community Engagement Specialist for EA, has confirmed that they currently have no plans to release Need for Speed Heat on Switch.
Need For Speed: Heat is the next instalment in Ghost Games' reliably edgy racing series, and the video above marks the first serving of proper, uninterrupted gameplay footage (there's this trailer, but it's very trailer-y). The video is courtesy of IGN, and it shows the game in 4K, with servings of both day and night racing.As is customary nowadays, publisher Electronic Arts has preempted questions about loot boxes: the game won't have any, and won't ever have any, apparently. Though it will eventually get a "time-saving pack". body .hawk-widget{--trd-blue:#2f6e91;width:100%;letter-spacing:normal;}._hawk.subtitle~.hawk-widget[data-widget-type=price]{margin:16px 0;}@media (min-width:600px){._hawk.subtitle~.hawk-widget[data-widget-type=price]{margin:0;min-height:128px;float:right;clear:none;width:50%;}.fancy_box_body ._hawk.subtitle~.hawk-widget[data-widget-type=price]{float:none;width:100%;}}.icon~.hawk-widget{clear:both;}@media (min-width:400px){body .buyingguide .product .hawk-widget.bg-price{float:right;width:40%;}}Heat releases on November 8. It follows 2017's Need For Speed: Payback, which wasn't exactly a classic, according to our reviewer Phil Iwaniuk. "Enjoyable arcade handling packaged within a game that gets monotonous long before it rewards your time investment," he wrote.
EA has revealed the Need for Speed Heat Trophies and Achievements list!
For racing game fans — be it arcade racers or sims — one of the most important parts of the game are no doubt the cars you’ll be able to drive. If you’re curious what kind of machines you’ll be able to burn rubber in Need for Speed Heat, we’re here to satisfy that curiosity! …