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Reus - Original Soundtrack now available! And a Daily Deal!
Reus - Original Soundtrack now available! And a Daily Deal!
Reus - Original Soundtrack now available! And a Daily Deal!
To celebrate the 5th birthday of the game, we finally got round to make the soundtrack available... properly! The game's composer Joni (that's me, actually) took some time off to remaster a grand total of 25 tracks, 13 of which were previously unreleased, and bundled them together on an album that's available right now, right here on Steam! https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4459068/90f84225ec20f07aa8f73dec9c2162b7d1e46c44.png Next to that, to make a real birthday party out of it, Reus is now part of a daily deal with a historically deep discount of 85%. We hope you enjoy this celebration as much as we enjoy your continued support for this game. It's been around for a half a decade now... We still can't quite get our heads around it. ~The monks from the Abbey https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4459068/bcd5476ca60317cd411180cc9205d5058ccac9a4.png
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