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Patch 1.6: Reus' Fifth Anniversary
Patch 1.6: Reus' Fifth Anniversary
Patch 1.6: Reus' Fifth Anniversary
It’s five years ago since Reus came out! That calls for a little celebration and that’s why we are finally releasing the soundtrack to the game this Thursday (through Steam as well!) and a little Twitch Stream of Reus on Thursday as well. And we have a new patch for you right now that most notably features: An “Unlock All” option in the Free Mode of the game. This gives you the option to be able to create all possible resources, without having to hunt for achievements. So you can go crazy deep and take your time, even in your first play-through. A lot of small bug-fixes and rebalancing to improve the overall quality of gameplay. See the patch notes for more info on these. Some Abbey Games festivities and community information in the main menu. An FNA build of the game on Windows, that fixes memory issues and corresponding crashes on 64bit versions of Windows. This build is still in beta, but if you suffer from said memory issues and crashes, feel free to switch to the special FNA-version branch to see if that fixes your problems. https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4459068/1730b687978eb862855ecd66e2d5ff7939354104.png If you encounter any problems, please let us know. We hope you have fun with patch 1.6 and that you’ll join us in celebrating Reus’ fifth birthday this week! ~ the monks from Abbey Games https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4459068/bcd5476ca60317cd411180cc9205d5058ccac9a4.png
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