Star Wars Battlefront 2 Next Update To Bring Heroes vs Villains Changes
A new Star Wars Battlefront 2 update is currently in the works, and it will introduce some changes to the Heroes Vs. Villains mode
Embark on an endless Star Wars action experience from the best-selling Star Wars HD video game franchise of all time. Experience rich multiplayer battlegrounds across all 3 eras - prequel, classic and
A new Star Wars Battlefront 2 update is currently in the works, and it will introduce some changes to the Heroes Vs. Villains mode
US Senator Josh Hawley announced that he's proposing a 'landmark legislation' bill to ban loot boxes and other Pay-to-Win microtransactions.
I don’t think anybody other than game publishers actually really likes Loot Boxes and microtransactions, but we as consumers have learned to put up with them, especially when they’re the less egregious sort that only doles out cosmetic fluff. Of course, there is that nice dopamine rush that comes with opening loot boxes, especially when…
A new Star Wars Battlefront 2 update is now live on all formats, introducing new content, gameplay tweaks and more
A new Star Wars Battlefront II hotfix is now live, introducing some improvements for the recently released The Capital Supremacy
That long-awaited Star Wars Battlefront II mode with
In Star Wars Episode 2, Anakin Skywalker makes it clear to poor Padmé that he really doesn't like sand, in one breath crushing the fledgling couple's dreams…
An FTC 'public workshop' on loot boxes will be held later this year.
At long last, next week will be Anakin Skywalker week in Star Wars Battlefront II. After updates slowly but surely added Grievous, Obi-Wan, and Dooku to the still-hanging-in-there multiplayer game, DICE can now let Anakin Skywalker loose on...
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 continues its Clone Wars-era content with the release of Anakin Skywalker.