Xbox Games With Gold – April 2019 Edition
Games with Gold for the month of April 2019, has been revealed by Xbox.
Outcast – Second Contact is the complete remake of the cult title which sparked the open world, action-adventure genre. Take off on an exploration of Adelpha, an alien world as beautiful as it is dange
Games with Gold for the month of April 2019, has been revealed by Xbox.
For the month of April, Xbox Live Gold members will receive four new free games - two on Xbox One and two on Xbox 360.
Of April's Games with Gold lineup, there's a rogue one -- a solo standout that kind of rises above the rest. It also sticks out because it's the only true old-timer of the bunch, the one you have to go back a couple console generations to ...
It’s almost the end of the month, and that means Microsoft has announced next month’s Xbox Games With Gold! For April, Xbox One owners will get a meaty single-player title, while Xbox 360 owners have a lot of shooting in store for them. Check out the full list of Xbox Games With Gold April 2019 …
THQ Nordic has started the new year in much the same way as it finished the last one, and has announced that it's acquired the IP rights to yet another clas…
The publishers have bought the Outcast IP, adding it to their big library of 90s classics including Carmageddon and Desperados.
Acquisitions continue at THQ Nordic: the company announced that it has acquired the intellectual property of Outcast from the three creators of the original ga
Action title was first published in 1999 by Infogrames
Not an outcast anymore
The Humble Store is giving away Outcast: Second Contact for the next two days.