Have You Played… Rime?
Washing up on an island as a small boy, with a fox friend to guide the way sounds lovely, right? But what a turn Rime took in the final couple of chapters.
A third-person exploratory action/adventure title in which a boy ends up on a mysterious island and makes his way through its highly stylized environments, containing puzzles and slight navigation chal
Washing up on an island as a small boy, with a fox friend to guide the way sounds lovely, right? But what a turn Rime took in the final couple of chapters.
The 2017 exploration puzzle game Rime is free on the Epic Games Store to all PC players from May 23 to May 30. That’s followed by the procedurally generated first-person adventure City of Brass from May 30 to June 6.
RiME, the excellent adventure/platform/puzzle game made by Tequila Works, is now free to download and keep on PC via the Epic Games Store.
The Epic Mega Sale continues with another free PC game available for Epic Store members.
Epic Games Store has announced the availability of a new free PC game. This time it is Rime, the title of Tequila Works, an open-world adventure.
For the next week, lovely explore-o-platformer Rime is free for keepsies on the Epic Games Store. Grab it now!
About this STAR DEAL Discover the beautiful yet rugged world of single-player puzzle adventure RiME – now at the BEST EVER price for 24 hours or while stocks last! With this Steam key, players control a young boy who has awakened on a mysterious island after a torrential storm. YOU’RE NOT ALONEWitness wild animals wandering …
Rime is much more than the serene Mediterranean adventure it seems.
This piece contains spoilers for Rime. "It's always ourselves we find in the sea" - e e cummings You first notice it in the sand. The s…
Beautiful adventure game Rime wasn’t quite as beautiful when it was released on the Nintendo Switch back in November, suffering from severe frame rate drops, bad pop-in, faded colors and poor lower resolution textures. Yesterday’s 1.02 update doesn’t fix everything, but the game looks and plays so much better now.