Competition: Win Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age's Stunning Collector's Edition
You know you Vaan it
"FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE improves upon the 2006 classic FINAL FANTASY® XII, now more beautiful and easier to play than ever. The high-definition remaster introduces several modern advancements
You know you Vaan it
11 years on, Square-Enix's twelfth prodigal son has returned to finally fulfill its promise.
Final Fantasy XII’s gorgeous locales are filled with vast deserts that host blinding sandstorms. Its jungles are shrouded in mist and mystery. The game’s ruins are beautiful even when the undead rise from the trap-laden ground. Then there’s that damned family hanging out in the aerodomes. They can die by firaga.
Sales up just in time for summer, . Role-playing games, cute characters, handheld gaming: the trifecta of sales success in Japan. We got all three this week fellas, with the remake Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age and the newest Pikmin title, Hey! Pikmin relea...
Not all characters in the International Zodiac Job System are equal. Final Fantasy 12 is very much all about customization, and any of its cast of six main playable characters can technically fill any of the twelve job roles on offer – where in the context of this game, jobs equal traditional RPG classes slotting […]
Part of what makes Final Fantasy 12 so special is that it’s the most complicated in the series. In many ways FF12 resembles a full-blown tactical game more than a traditional RPG – and that makes sense, since it comes from many of the people behind Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s even set in the same […]
In last year’s Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age trailer, it looked like we’d be stuck with Vaan’s spray-on abdominals. But now it seems like we won’t. Thank goodness for that! Read more...
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age has received complete reworks to many of its effects, textures, and overall presentation compared to the PS2 game. In new analysis by Digital Foundry, the site confirmed that the game runs at 1080p on PS4, and 1440p on PS4 Pro, compared to the PS2’s meagre 512×448. Both consoles run […]
Whether you’re visiting Ivalice for the first time or you’re already an expert at being Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca, Final Fantasy XII can be an intimidating game. Fear not—we’ve got lots of tips.Read more...