Exploring the vast mythology of the Persona series
"Imitations they may be, but together, they make a fine spectacle..." When I played Persona for the first time, I was immediately enamoured of the…
Persona 5, a turn-based JRPG with visual novel elements, follows a high school student with a criminal record for a crime he didn't commit. Soon he meets several characters who share similar fates to h
"Imitations they may be, but together, they make a fine spectacle..." When I played Persona for the first time, I was immediately enamoured of the…
Atlus confirms sales number with announcement of "Royal" enhanced edition
With the recent induction of P5's Joker into Smash, and Sakurai's recent trip to Atlus, fans are wondering what's up.
It doesn’t seem like Atlus will be done with the Persona 5 universe any time soon.
With the upcoming appearance of Joker from Persona 5 in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the ties between Nintendo and Atlus appear to be stronger than ever.
Its been revealed that Atlus has registered new domain names for Persona 5 which adds to the already planned release for Persona 5r
It’s only fair that Persona fans would clamor for a Nintendo Switch version of the excellent Persona 5, following this month’s reveal that Joker would be a playable Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter. Atlus has only encouraged the fervor with a recent slew of domain registrations — and now Masahiro Sakurai, Smash Bros.’ director, is adding more fuel to the fandom’s fire.
2017 was a year of excitement and growth, both personally and professionally. After two years of building up the team, the pieces started to fall into place for MonsterVine. I was happy to see this team find its voice and identity as we launched The VineCast. Getting out of the comfort zone is instrumental for […]
Atlus has released a new key visual for Persona 5 the Animation featuring Ryuji Sakamoto. Atlus is also running at “New Year RT Campaign” giving away 55 posters of the Ren Amamiya and Ryuji Sakamoto key visuals. To participate, follow the @P5_anime and retweet this tweet. Winners will be decided by lottery. The campaign ends …
2018 will see the premiere of Persona 5 the Animation, essentially a movie of the Persona 5 narrative, for those of you who might not have the fifty-odd hours to hand to play through Atlus' super-trendy RPG.While there hasn't been many deta...