Immortal: Unchained Ultimate Edition Is Now Available For Xbox One
This Ultimate Edition contains Immortal: Unchained and the Storm Breaker expansion, and also the Midas Touched and Primes packs, all together in one definitive volume.
Immortal: Unchained is a souls-inspired third-person shooter/action RPG.
This Ultimate Edition contains Immortal: Unchained and the Storm Breaker expansion, and also the Midas Touched and Primes packs, all together in one definitive volume.
Immortal: Unchained, developed by Toadman Interactive is now available for PC and consoles, and additional content for the game is in the works.
Immortal: Unchained is the latest addition to the genre of ultra-hardcore action RPGs. Take the role of a living weapon, unleashed to stop the source of a cataclysmic event threatening to end all worlds.
Immortal: Unchained is the latest addition to the genre of ultra-hardcore action RPGs. Take the role of a living weapon, unleashed to stop the source of a cataclysmic event threatening to end all worlds.
Publisher Sold Out and developer Toadman Interactive have released a new story trailer for Immortal: Unchained. Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page: About Unleashed and unforgiving. Can you rise to the challenge? Immortal: Unchained is the latest addition to the genre of ultra-hardcore action RPGs. Take the role of a …
Immortal: Unchained will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 7 for $49.99 / €49.99 / £39.99, publisher Sold Out and developer Toadman Interactive announced. Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page: About Unleashed and unforgiving. Can you rise to the challenge? Immortal: Unchained is the latest addition …
Here's your chance to win a free Immortal: Unchained PC alpha code.
It's the fourth time I've sprinted through this tunnel built into the side of a craggy mountain, and it's the fourth time that, when peeking out from the exit, I've pointed at the big guy with the big gun and pressed the lock on button, only for my camera to snap to the grunt that doesn't see me on the right. I panic and toss a grenade but it sails far over both of their rough, LED-lit cyborg heads and explodes at the other side of the room. Neither of them pursue me though, so I spend the next minute peeking out behind the corner, emptying a clip into whatever I happen to lock on to, and strafing back into cover to reload. I don't feel my heart beating in my chest, my palms aren't sweaty, I don't even like the basic tactile sensation of shooting the bad guys—there's no excitement to it. Immortal: Unchained might only be in closed alpha, but the fundamentals, combat and level design, are boring and clumsy. It's a shame, because
The closed alpha test for Immortal: Unchained is now live on PC via Steam and will run until March 12 at 12:00 p.m. GmT, publisher Sold Out and developer Toadman Interactive announced. Pre-orders for the physical version of Immortal: Unchained are also now available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The closed alpha includes two …
A closed Alpha test for Immortal: Unchained, the new action-RPG from Toadman Interactive and Sold Out, will go live early next month. Running from March 8, 2018 until March 12, the Alpha gives you the opportunity to explore the first two locations of the game, as well as experience the "hardcore" brutality of the combat and gunplay.