Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Remake sales hit 2.1 million and 4.2 million, respectively
Capcom has updated its Platinum Titles list to include sales of Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Remake, and other recent and older titles.
A brand new entry in the legendary over-the-top action series comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Spring 2019, complete with its signature blend of high-octane stylized action and otherworldly
Capcom has updated its Platinum Titles list to include sales of Devil May Cry 5, Resident Evil 2 Remake, and other recent and older titles.
Devil May Cry 5 has launched quite successfully, so it's not surprising that figure manufacturers are showing interest in portraying its protagonists.
Something for everyone
Zip, zilch, nada. That’s what on the horizon for Devil May Cry 5. Which is both incredibly refreshing and sad. While Devil May Cry 3 and 4 would pop out a special edition after release, Capcom looks set to close the book on the magnificent fifth chapter of the series, which in itself could be…
Devil May Cry 5 producer Matt Walker confirmed that development has ended, and no more content will be released for the game
Development on Devil May Cry 5 is over, said producer Matt Walker, so we should not expect more content to release at any point for the acclaimed action hack'n'slash game from Capcom.
I'll be blunt. Hearing that Capcom isn't planning any more DLC for Devil May Cry 5 stings a bit. Without spoiling anything, there are a few obvious crowd-pleasing directions the developers could take with further post-launch support. The...
Today Kotobukiya has made two new Devil May Cry 5 figures available for pre-order in Japan, portraying protagonists Dante and Nero.