Red Dead Online has finally graduated from Beta
November 27th 2018 Rockstar released the Red Dead Online Beta for a select few players (ones who paid for the Ultimate edition). And of May 14th, 2019 its officially been released, in terms of a lot of PC games that’s normal but for a console release that is pretty slow. The trailer dropped yesterday in a way that almost made it sound like people haven’t been playing the game for almost 7 months. Of course, coming out of Beta isn’t just an empty announcement there was a large update for all players which is in detail on their website here. A quick rundown though just for you lot; New CO-OP Missions Free Roam Missions Posse Versus Challenges Dynamic Events Poker Overrun Showdown Mode Lemat Revolver, Clothing and More Playing Styles The Hostility System Balancing and Improvements See Also Fortnite v9.01 Patch Notes - Tactical Assault Rifle, Drum Gun Nerf, And MoreThat’s a lot to swallow, especially the Balancing and Improvements, there are loads modified within the game. The changes to the game address issues that people have had with the Beta in order to keep players happy and make it much easier for new players to get involved. Most complaints about Red Dead online was lack of content, but I don’t think that going to be a problem for a while. What do you think? How do you feel about live service games and do you think Rock start are nailing it or failing it?