News: Biomutant trailer features lush environments and a giant mech
New gameplay video highlights key mechanics
"Explore a world in turmoil and define its fate – will you be the hero and saviour or lead it to an even darker destiny? Biomutant’s unique design lets players change their character’s abilities and
New gameplay video highlights key mechanics
Despite being shown a hands-off demo at Gamescom, Joe described Biomutant as one of the most exciting games at last year's event. Playable for the first time at the PC Gamer Weekender 2018, developer Experiment 101 joined our livestream to chat about the hybrid action role-player's systems, classes, combat and more. Alongside our host Zoe, here's Stefan Ljungqvist on anthropomorphic kung fu fables, character customisation, weapon combos, physical and mental biomutations and—well, why don't you check it out for yourself?
Biomutant is making its way to the PC Gamer Weekender—we already reported it’ll be there in playable form, but we’re pleased to add the cherry on top in the form of a Developer Stage talk about the game, taking place Saturday February 17.Stefan Ljungqvist, head of studio at Experiment 101, will be on hand to take attendees through a bit more detail about Biomutant. You’ll get a closer look at the promising title, as well as explanations on in-game mechanics and other elements you might not have much detail on as of yet. And who better to get it from than those who’re making the game? You’ll be able to find out more about Biomutant, hopefully answering some questions about elements like the duck-headed robots, or talking more about the ability to mute the narrator if he starts to get on your nerves. In the meantime, you can find out more about Biomutant on its website, Twitter and Facebook, while you can keep up to date on our coverage of
Studio made up of devs who worked on Just Cause and Mad Max
THQ Nordic has acquired 100 percent of the shares of Experiment 101, the developer of the upcoming “kung-fu fable RPG” Biomutant, as well as the Biomutant property itself. Biomutant is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018.
There is so much happening in Biomutant that I'm at a loss for where to begin. Maybe calling it Jak and Daxter meets Devil May Cry meets Enslaved would be a good place to start. Or maybe a better jumping off point would ...
Experiment 101's upcoming action-RPG features a narrator who involves himself in the combat - but only as much as you want him to.
I was so taken by my demonstration of Biomutant at Gamescom that I didn't pay its excitable narrator much mind. Having watched this trailer back just now, I can however see how his at times overzealous cheerleading could get on some people's nerves. If you're one of those folk, you'll be pleased to know developer Experiment 101 feels your pain.Speaking to Eurogamer at PAX West, studio head Stefan Ljungqvist explains that while the game's narration can be turned down in the settings, it also scales with how long you've been playing the game. "Each session, the conversation that's dynamic decreases," Ljungqvist tells EG. "So if you play one hour and start your second hour on the same session, we decrease the frequency. If you play 10 hours of the game, the default frequency gets lower and lower. You also have a scaler for how frequent you want it. It scales with your session time, and it scales with your total play time, and you also hav
If you've seen gameplay footage of THQ Nordic's upcoming open-world action-RPG Biomutant you may have found its overzealous narrator a bit annoying. Every t…